Dimension width (1 MW = 18 mm) : 4 MW
- With emergency lighting, with sensors
- For communication via KNX EIB with electronic ballasts (ECG) with a DALI interface
- DALI outputs acc. to IEC 62386, each for communication with up to 64 DALI ECG and at least 10 sensors
- Integrated power supply with input voltage AC 110-240 V, 50-60 Hz or DC 120-240 V for powering the gateway electronics and DALI output
- Maximum DALI output voltage of 19 V, short circuit resistant
- Incorrect voltage detection during commissioning, whether incorrect power line is connected to a DALI output
- LED display for displaying operation mode and error messages
- Pushbutton for switching between bus and direct operating mode
- One pair of pushbuttons for switching On/Off of all connected DALI ECG
- One LED per DALI output for status signal of all connected luminaries in direct mode
- Configurable assignment of max. 64 DALI ECG per channel to max. 16 DALI groups per channel, exclusive controlled in groups or single (switching, dimming, set dimming value) and feedback for group status and lamp failure